Everyone who has already purchased or signed the Apple care plan expecting it to work wonders when you face any Iphone phone and Ipad screen repair problem.
The Apple care plan though assures you a guarantee for about 3 long years ever since the date of the purchase. They even provide you screen replacement no matter how old the Cell phone is if it falls under the three year bracket, Iphone 5 screen replacement service is also available. But why choose this over the Mobile phone repairs? Well here is the Ugly truth behind the Apple care plan.
The apple care plan offers you services and repairs by paying half the amount of the original repair cost, initially. These services even include the Apple experts to answer to all of your queries.
Here are the few other options you can go for repair other than the Apple care plan.
Reviews about the Do it yourself kit from Amazon
Many have the price illusion that higher the price, higher the quality. But they do it yourself kit from the Amazon website which just costs about 12 dollars.
The rate is around 10% of the Iphone phone repair and according to the reviews the services it gives is just the same.
The reviews are positive and they find the kit to be very beneficial and cheap as well.
So why should one go for the Apple care if they have the same service at a cheaper rate? are they trying to bluff us by offering fancy services and a three year warranty where as the Amazon kit if used for three long years will not even cost half the original Iphone repair rate.
Source : https://sites.google.com/site/ipadglassrepairs/the-truth-behind-the-apple-care-plan